
Commercial Loan Puzzle Solved at FundMyBusiness.EquiLeaseOne.com

What is a Commercial Loan?

What exactly is a commercial loan? A commercial loan is a debt-based funding arrangement between a business and a financial institution, like a bank. Usually, this loan is used to fund operating costs and capital expenditures. Commercial loans can require collateral, like property or equipment, and while these loans are short-term, they can be renewed […]

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Factoring and How it Works from FundMYBusiness.EquiLeaseOne.com

Why Should I Use Invoice Factoring?

Invoice Factoring is a type of financing that gives a business the ability to access the working capital that is stuck in their outstanding invoices or accounts receivable. This is a transaction where a business sells its invoices to an invoice factoring company to gain access to that tied-up cash. The invoices or receivables end […]

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